Commander John Storm just wants to be left alone to complete his DNA collection, and explore the uncharted regions on planet earth. But he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Reza Shar was a General in Ayatollah Ali Khamennei's Army. Over many years of selling stolen arms to foreign powers, at discount rates, he has amassed a fortune in gold bullion. Not to mention a veritable arsenal of high tech weapons. Including a number of fighter jets and a submarine.
It is the General who formulated Operation Grand Slam (Stage 1), as the kidnap and nuclear holocaust, followed be the "Phoenix" (Stage 2), rising from the ashes to begin their (his) administration of a captured planet. He is an extremist fed up with watching his peers only scratching the surface, frightened of the corrupt capitalist West, and capitalist communist China and Russia, pursuing their own agendas contrary to his religious beliefs and those of his co-conspirators Giovanni Romano and Chuck Kowalski.
His plan is to capture nuclear world leaders as hostages as part of a plan to destroy all life on planet earth, to enable his loyal followers to stage a Phoenix like comeback from the ashes, so leapfrogging and accelerating the inevitable conflict resulting from the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
The trigger for his plan, started with the invasion of Iraq, toppling and execution of Saddam Hussein. All based on fabricated evidence, misleading the Senate and in the UK, parliament. The Bush administration claimed Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and fabricated a connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda. There were no WMDs or chemical weapons, and no connection between al-Qaeda.
In Shah's view the invasion was actually to prevent the Arab states uniting under Saddam Hussein's push for unity, a direct attack on Ba'athism. The invasion was a warning shot to frighten other Middle East states, and contain oil costs for the Coalition: Australia, Italy, Spain, Poland, UK and USA. This blatant attack on sovereignty, in contravention of, and undermining UN authority and safeguards for all members, got Reza thinking. Setting him on a path to avenge the deaths of his fellow Arabs. The West could not be trusted, and the United Nations were powerless to prevent such aggression, guilty by way of joint enterprise - as in failing to take action to prevent the crime. The solution to take them all out. Including China and Russia.
The Iraq Invasion was not a direct reprisal for the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. While there were connections drawn between Iraq and terrorism, the primary justification for the invasion was the alleged presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. The Bush administration argued that Saddam Hussein’s regime posed a threat to regional stability and global security due to its WMD capabilities. However, subsequent investigations, including the Chilcot report, revealed that the intelligence used to support this claim was flawed and overstated. The 9/11 attacks were carried out by Al-Qaeda, an entirely different group, and were not directly linked to Iraq.
Over a number of years the General has identified the need for 3 operational centers, and created three Cells that are independent, should any of the other Cells be discovered.
- "Red Dragon" - A Cell operating in Africa, the Middle East & Asia targeting the CRINKs (China, Russia, Iran & North Korean) marks
- "Golden Cage" - Refers to a Cell operating in Europe, to target French, German and UK targets, with transits (Romano)
- "Midnight Sun" - A cell to abduct American and Canadian targets, with capacity to coordinate transport (Kowalski)
Red Dragon's plan, 'Operation Grand Slam: Phoenix,' will destroy all civilization, history and heritage from thousands of years of human endeavor. Something that suits, to obliterate all evidence of the Christian and other opposing faiths. The former General just wants to rule the world his way, and to rewrite history they way the Triads want to see it written. He will become the savior of the world.
with other like minded cells, the extremists kidnap the Grand Ayatollah and
other world leaders, targeting those nations with nuclear capability. Holding them hostage, until
their evil plan comes to fruition. After which their fate will be decided.
This website is Copyright © May 2nd 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd. Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This is a work of fiction. Names and Characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental, save for reference to heads of state, whose dialogue, actions and thoughts do not represent those of the actual persons portrayed. Being entirely fictional, and a hypothetical - what if - political thriller. All rights reserved.