World War Three has begun. The United States of America has been invaded by Russian Hackers. These are the vanguard for the invasion of Russian military forces who will face no opposition from our current administration. Nor will the American people have any defense as all of our infra-structure will be controlled by the Russian hackers. This book is your one and only Wake-Up Call. There is a solution. But there is only ONE SOLUTION and it must begin IMMEDIATELY. Thanks to our President, so far the Russians have control of all our personal data for every American man, woman and child. Thanks to President Donald Trump's unwillingness to investigate the Russian Hacking, we will soon suffer the greatest Cyber Attack in history, the complete takeover of the rest of the American infra-structure. 



Cyber terrorism, as in hacking should be considered an overt act of war






World War Three has begun. The United States of America has been invaded by Russian Hackers. These are the vanguard for the invasion of Russian military forces who will face no opposition from our current administration. Nor will the American people have any defense as all of our infra-structure will be controlled by the Russian hackers. This book is your one and only Wake-Up Call. There is a solution. But there is only ONE SOLUTION and it must begin IMMEDIATELY. Thanks to our President, so far the Russians have control of all our personal data for every American man, woman and child. Thanks to President Donald Trump's unwillingness to investigate the Russian Hacking, we will soon suffer the greatest Cyber Attack in history, the complete takeover of the rest of the American infra-structure. 


The invasion of Russian troops is only days away. How do we know? Because the Russian Hack on our infra-structure, which includes the complete and total control of our power grid, our heat, lights, and the Internet is ongoing even as Donald J. Trump knows about it and sits idly by. This can only mean that the complete takeover of America is at hand. We The People have only one plan of action that can succeed to stop the Russian Invasion given that our Government has sold us out to the enemy. The one plan of action is explained in detail and must be part of the daily discussion all over the media and amongst every living American citizen or all will be lost. The first freedom to go is Freedom of the Press. We have already seen the start of the suppression by Donald Trump's tweets about fake news when it is really the only source of the truth about the Presidency. The President of the United States is not legally elected. Where is the special prosecutor? When will they impeach Trump?


Until these questions are resolved, We The People must take matters into our own hands before it is too late. Congress may be compliant. Make No Mistake - if you do not buy this book and give as many to friends as you can afford, this country may be lost. Go ahead and buy books by the Kim Kardashians and the Donald Trumps of the world and see where that gets you.


This book is dedicated to Commander Vasil Arkhipov - a Russian sailor who refused orders by his captain to launch nuclear missiles at the Untied States Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This single act of bravery and care for the human race averted World War Three. The book is also dedicated to the dozens of Russian dissidents who have died after criticizing or running against Vladimir Putin.

[Hacking in any form, national or international should be accorded the most serius status of crime by Interpol, with nations shielding their hackers, being seen as an overt act of war. To warrant an absolute and complete shut down of relations with the offending nation(s). A complete embargo on trade and travel of their citizens. Except for informants and defectors.]









BBC News - 19 May 2023 - Japan's pacifism hangs in the balance as China & North Korean threats loom

CNDUK - 15 May 2024 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament


Daily Express - 11 May 2024 - Putin crisis after NATO issues 'red lines' warning as West braces for WW3 with Russia

Daily Mail


NBC News -

New York Times - 15 March 2022 - This is how World War Three begins

Reuters -

Sky -

The i - 16 May 2024 - We are at war with Russia - Emerging new world order Puting & Xi

The independent - 10 March 2017 - World War 3 is coming

The Independent - 3 September 2023 - Russian Cyber Attacks Relentless as threat of WW3 grows

The Guardian -

The Telegraph - 15 April 2024 - Wallace: West must stand up to Iranian bullies

The Times -

The Washington Post -

Vox News - 17 March 2022 - Funding withdrawn for anti-nuclear campaigns despite Ukraine

Wall Street Journal





Michael Mathiesen - Cyber Wars United: We must win world war three - 17 July 2003

James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 1: Prelude to World War III
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 2: Operation Red Dragon, the Unthinkable
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 3: Operation Red Dawn and the Siege of Europe
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 4: Cyber-Warfare and the New World Order




The devastating impact of a potential nuclear war, as perceived by society has galvanized the public to protest and march to confront this dire subject, and make politicians aware of their concerns. These events are typically captured in televised news reports and in the press.

Mostly, news coverage focuses on conflicts around the world, the cumulative effect of which is to de-stabilize capitalist states to the advantage of communist states, or states that wish to spread their religious ideals using force, despite freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, being a right that applies equally and without discrimination to other religions. Where, the free democratic world recognises the rights of other nations, for their citizens to follow their faith without seeking to change their vocation or beliefs - and are welcomed in peace. But, the reciprocal acceptance of Christian and other related faiths in the West is not always forthcoming - most especially from extremists and terrorists in the Middle East.




John Storm is a freelance ocean conservationist and near obsessive collector of DNA, in his quest to archive all life on planet earth. He has always led an active life, then became enhanced during one mission, when accidentally injected with a CRISPR virus, that changed his metabolism. Making his considerably stronger than ordinary humans.



Commander John Storm just wants to be left alone to complete his DNA collection, and explore the uncharted regions on planet earth. But he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.



















This website is Copyright © May 6th 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

This is a work of fiction. Names and Characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, 

and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental, save for reference to heads of state, 

whose dialogue, actions and thoughts do not represent those of the actual persons. Being entirely fictional. All rights reserved.